Placing renewable energy sources like solar panels on reclaimed land not only puts previously mined land to productive use, it helps improve local communities that utilize property taxes to fund much-needed public services and it reduces climate change.
In other words, it’s a win-win-win.
It’s the exact outcome representatives from Mosaic, Duke Energy Florida and Hardee County had hoped for when the idea to build a solar panel farm on a former mine site near Wauchula, Fla. was proposed initially.
Once constructed, Duke Energy’s 75-megawatt Fort Green Power Plant will encompass roughly 500 acres of reclaimed land in Hardee County and produce enough carbon-free energy to power more than 20,000 average-sized homes at peak production.

According to Ben Pratt, Mosaic’s Senior Vice President of Government and Public Affairs, this project aligns well with Mosaic’s commitment to environmental sustainability. Click here to read more about our 2025 ESG Performance Targets.
Nationwide, solar panel power plants like the project at Fort Green are on the rise. Experts attribute the increase to potential economic opportunities such as job creation and the attraction of new businesses interested in utilizing green energy.