Water — using less, conserving more. At Mosaic, each one of us knows water is an essential component of everything we do. Without it, we couldn’t make the phosphate products farmers need to grow more crops on less land. Our products help feed the world and meet the rising need of a growing population. Essentially, our products are essential — and so is the water we use to make them. 

We have a unique responsibility to act as mindful caretakers of this precious and limited natural resource. That’s why we’re committed to using water wisely — and that commitment is producing results. Today, we recycle approximately 95% of the water we use and are on track to use even less freshwater — 20% less by 2025. 

Thinking differently about water. Our progress would not be possible without innovative approaches to water conservation. That’s the subject of a new video that explores how every drop of water we manage, from rainwater to process water, is sustainably managed as it moves throughout our facilities and is put to productive use. It’s all part of our sustainability journey to reach our 2025 ESG performance targets — and we’re headed in the right direction.  

Watch the video by clicking here.